A stone's throw from Germany and Luxembourg, the château of Malbrouck dominates the village of Manderen with the splendour of i...
Saffron is undoubtedly the brand's star product. At Chris and Schengele, the "red gold" is used to make a syrup with an intense...
The Brasserie de la Fensch is above all a beer brewed with pride in Marspich! We offer more than just good beer and pretty bott...
Founded in 2020, the brewery has built up a strong identity by creating beers to suit all tastes (lagers, stouts, roasted flavo...
Marlène Bidon says it herself: her yoghurts are just like her. She has tested different processes to develop plain dairy produc...
Motorhome service area, a stone's throw from the Tourist Information Office and the historic village center. Parking with acces...