Moselle Sans Limite

A Moselle without limits

MOSL is an all-encompassing, collaborative project. It is a shared brand and, above all, a regional strategy to stimulate the delivery of innovative projects, promote the talents of today and discover those of tomorrow.


4 years after its launch, the rollout of the MOSL brand continues, gradually bringing together the various elements of Moselle’s identity and gaining visibility across the broad spectrum of sectors that contribute to the region’s appeal.

Examples of implementation

MOSL* Moselle Sans Limite affirms our determination to offer the department's driving forces a concrete and useful means of expression, promotion, realization and implementation. A brand for everyone and every region, to put into action their attachment to the region and their pride in being born here, living here and working here.


Montgolfière MOSL


Structure #MOSL


Mascottes MOSL


Qualité MOSL


Ambassadeurs sans limite

Handball-Cédric MATHIEU

Les dragonnes de Metz


Terre de Jeux


Does this philosophy speak to you? Are you audacious and eager to get involved?

Now is the time to take the plunge and become a MOSL Ambassador!

become a MOSL Ambassador