The talent in Moselle is without limit - use it!

A certificate, a guarantee & true expertise

Qualité MOSL allows you to recognise the best businesses in Moselle, with a focus on local knowledge and quality. It guarantees consumers full transparency and clear information on the origin of the raw materials and production methods.


A shared mark of quality

While the award criteria vary depending on the sector, all label-holders are united by a shared commitment to transparency, quality and promotion of the region.

  • Transparency of origin and production or processing methods

  • Use of local suppliers and expertise

  • Promotion of the region and its unique attributes

  • Showcasing all label-holders and promoting a shared identity - a Moselle identity!

Qualité MOSL: a label to guide you

With its easily recognisable logo, Qualité MOSL certification can be awarded to food products, craft items, restaurants, tourist attractions and tourist accommodation. It helps you recognise people and businesses in Moselle with a focus on local production and expertise.

FDV 2021-Belkrich
©Brasserie Papyllon
Gâteaux MOSL
FDV 2021-Belkrich
Houmous MOSL
Les jus de fruits de Mélanie-L.BELKRICH
confitures MOSL
Ecologes MOSL
Ferme Domangeville-Laetitia Lhermite
Ferme Lorrain-Les photos de Véro
Les Savons de Sophie-©Photos de Véro
Petite Mirabelle-©OM
Petite basse cour-Dorschner
Ma vie en Bougies-Dorschner

Industry-specific requirements for award of the Qualité MOSL label

  • Raw agricultural products must be 100% made in Moselle.
    Processed agricultural products must be mainly composed of raw ingredients from Moselle.

  • Craftspeople must demonstrate that they have specific regional expertise and mainly work with raw materials from Moselle.

  • Restaurants must guarantee that they will showcase local raw ingredients and provide transparent information on the products mentioned and used.

  • Tourist attractions commit to ensuring the quality of their products and services, as well as providing a warm welcome and using local ingredients in their catering.

  • Accommodation providers guarantee quality facilities, service, customer relations and a focus on sustainability.


For more information 



Are you a farmer, craftsperson, restaurateur or tourist accommodation provider? Why not join the MOSL QUALITÉ network? You will benefit from the strength of a network, a strong initiative associated with the MOSL brand and a focus on quality, short supply chains and the provenance of products, key priorities for consumers. Your visibility and brand recognition will be amplified thanks to marketing tools and initiatives.

For more information

MOSL quality in figures - 583 accredited in February 2025


food producers





sites touristiques

tourist attractions

clef de chambre

accommodation providers

Our Partners
The MOSL Quality Approval is supported by: