Finding an accommodation in Moselle

Real estate : Feeling well at home in Moselle

Are you looking for your ideal home in Moselle? It’s not just a pipe dream but a reality! The department offers a wide range of houses or flats that are both accessible and close to work, services and leisure facilities.

Ville Forbach-Romain Krebs


With an estimated average price per m2 of 2,143 euros (source: December 2022), i.e. 2.6 times cheaper than in Paris, Moselle is a strong contender when it comes to attracting new residents. The rental market offers similar potential (550 euros per month for a 50 m2 apartment compared to 1,250 euros per month in Paris).

The department also has a wide range of available properties (house with garden, town centre apartments, etc.) and their proximity to key living spaces (work, services, leisure activities). The number of available dwellings has risen consistently from 290,000 in 1968 to 523,000 in 2019 (source: INSEE).

Some addresses to find your accommodation :

For all questions related to your future housing:

Management Mobility Consulting Relocation

Moselle Attractivité and Management Mobility Consulting to promote professional mobility in Moselle

Moselle Attractivité is working with Management Mobility Consulting to make it easier for mobile employees to relocate.
The aim is to attract talented people looking for a better quality of life in Moselle and make it easier for them to find accommodation.

Management Mobility Consulting helps companies of all sizes to find accommodation for their new recruits or employees on transfer, as well as dealing with administrative formalities, particularly those relating to expatriation, helping with children's schooling and job-hunting for spouses.


To go further

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Study and succeed in Moselle

With many recognized institutions, an attractive living environment and numerous actions in favor of student life, Moselle clearly stands out in terms of education.

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Finding a job in Moselle

Moselle is the ideal place to develop and boost your professional career.

Facade Moselle Attractivité-MA

Undertake your business in complete serenity

Dynamic and innovative, Moselle is today an economic territory favourable to entrepreneurship and investment.

Citadelle de Bitche Romain Krebs

Living for the better in Moselle

Moselle offers an exceptional quality of life to its one million inhabitants.