Noble dans ses lignes, imposante mais élancée, l'église Sainte-Croix, appelée aussi église du Centre, est en fait la clé de voûte de trois anciennes agglomérations: La Croix, La Houve et Nassau, nées au coeur des massifs forestiers du Warndt. A voir: le …
This is the only factory shop for Saint Louis crystal. As always the Saint Louis collections are diffused by specialised dealers. The exceptional quality of the Saint Louis collections is assured by the strict, rigorous selection throughout the entire …
Meet Bacchus, the Roman derivative of the Greek god Dionysus, one of the most complex deities in the Olympian pantheon. Known primarily as the god of wine, Caravaggio's Bacchus became the Western iconographic reference: a languid young man crowned with a …
In 1936, Marie Laurencin painted La Répétition. At first glance, there's nothing to distinguish it from a conventional genre scene. A group of young women are assembled; one holds a booklet for the singing, another a guitar for the music, yet another …
An original event, unparalleled in the region, featuring only children and teenagers. A rich and varied program awaits you! Available on the website. … THÉÂTRE - 22E FESTIVAL …