On entering the courtyard of the castle, one discovers this imposing architectural ensemble from the 16th-18th centuries that is still inhabited. The castle houses a Gothic chapel, built in 1584 to accommodate Catholic worship after the triumph of the …
Freyming and Merlebach share a similar history. Both towns were founded at about the same time, Merlebach in 1590 and Freyming in 1602. In the past, this sometimes meant rivalries and competition, but also first temporary common administrative structures. …
It has been created in 1720. The first known rabbi in Frauenberg-Bliesbrück is mentioned in 1725. Frauenberg’s Hebrew cemetery is one of the few Hebrew cemeteries which never had an interruption of burial of bodies. It has been founded in 1740. At that …
Louis Théobald is a blacksmith and sculptor. He took a liking to it as a child, when his father, a farmer, repaired his tools on their forge. Louis developed a passion for ironwork, which he learned from the age of 14 to 17, before embarking on an …
The Frauenberg castle has only been mentioned in 1370. It seems to have been constructed at the end of the 13th century. It was demolished in 1634. The castle sheltered two ovens of an earthenware factory, which worked in Frauenberg from 1785 to 1791. …