Discover Thionville: tourism, education and companies


Located in the north of Moselle, the Thionville area boasts a strategic geographical position at the heart of the Grande Région (bordering Germany and Luxembourg). It combines industrial power with a rich heritage. It is also a dynamic, and resolutely forward-thinking area, open to Europe.

Thionville vue du ciel

In figures*:

  • Area: 1,059 km2, or 17% of the total area of Moselle
  • Population: 257,273 inhabitants (in 2020), or 25% of the total population of Moselle
  • Population density: 242,9 inhabitants/km2
  • 11,678 companies operating (in 2021)
  • 64,975 jobs (in 2020)
  • 48,961 cross-border workers living in the region, 44% of the active population (2020)

*Source: Insee, Observatoire Territorial de la Moselle

Centre historique de Thionville

Thionville area: how to get there?

  • Road network: A30 motorway (towards Belgium) and A31 motorway (towards Luxembourg and Metz), National Road 153 towards Trêves
  • Rail connections: TGV Est (Thionville is 1:45 from Paris by high speed rail) and regional express TER (20 minutes from Thionville to Luxembourg)
  • Air connections: Luxembourg International Airport (serving 28 countries - 30 minutes from Thionville) and Lorraine Airport (less than an hour from Thionville)
  • River network: Thionville Port / high-capacity canalised river Moselle, providing an outlet to the ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam


With just over 42,000 habitants, Thionville is the second most populous city in the department.

It has a rich history with multiple influences, having been ruled by the Carolingians, the Counts of Luxembourg, the Dukes of Burgundy and the Hapsburgs. The earliest mentions of the settlement date back to the 8th century. Its most remarkable buildings include the Tour aux Puces, the Church of Saint-Maximin, the Belfry and the Town Hall. Meanwhile the banks of the river Moselle are loved by tourists and locals alike. This dynamic area is home to over 11,000 businesses.

City of Thionville

Other major towns: Yutz, Cattenom, Audun-le-Tiche, Fontoy, Fameck, Algrange, Hayange, Bouzonville, Sierck-Les-Bains, Metzervisse, Guénange, Florange…

Bords de la Moselle enneigés

Moselle riverbanks

Slider (grand) - Musee de la Tour aux Puces

La Tour aux Puces museum

Slider (grand) - Saint Maximin et beffroi

Church of Saint-Maximin

Slider (grand) - Pont-Ecluse - Thionville


Slider (grand) - Thionville et son beffroi


Slider (grand) - AOC vignes Ancy

Moselle wine tour

Thionville : Some companies in the area
Some companies in the area

Saarstahl Rail: A specialist manufacturer of railway track. It is the only French factory producing rails for train tracks

Semin: An expert in the manufacture of construction materials, Semin is the leading French producer of professional adhesives and coatings

Arcelor Mittal: One of the world’s largest steel companies. The plant is laminating the steel to be used in the two-thousand torches for the 2024 Paris Olympics!

Florange, fameck
Thyssenkrupp Presta: The world’s largest steering column and rack assembly plant

Setforge: A specialist in forging and hot extrusion. It is among the leading European companies in its sector

Pierburg: Manufacturer of pumps for cars and trucks

Zone Linkling
An attractive retail destination: Moselle’s number one retail park in terms of turnover, Linkling (Thionville, Terville) is one of the busiest shopping destinations in the region. Its top draws include the shopping centre Geric, home to 125 stores, and the Supergreen leisure and shopping park, located in the municipality of Terville

Centre commercial Geric

SuperGreen Terville

Portrait - Etudiants

Studying in Thionville: higher education and Universities

Part of the University of Lorraine, IUT Thionville-Yutz offers nine vocational qualifications.

  • 4 BUTs (Bachelor of Technology): Industrial engineering and maintenance, Biological engineering, Marketing techniques, and Health, Safety and the Environment
  • 3 professional bachelor’s degrees: Maintenance of industrial, production and energy systems, Non-destructive monitoring procedures and Banking and insurance

IUT in figures:

  • Over 400 students
  • 128 professionals
  • 1 research and technology transfer platform

All the links to the components of the UL on: 
IUT Thionville / Yutz

And also:

  • The Institut de Formation en Soins infirmiers (Nursing Care Training Institute - IFSI) at Metz-Thionville hospital in Thionville is located on the former Bel Air hospital site
    Ecole santé Metz
  • Le Lycée de la Briquerie (Thionville) ) offers 6 BTS (Advanced Technical Diploma) courses, including Design and production for industrial boiler making, Cyber security and electronic networks and Electronics
    La Briquerie
  • The St-Vincent de Paul Campus, recently opened at Cormontaigne business park in Yutz, delivers training in medical imaging and radiology, as well as a course in digital design
    Saint Vincent de Paul
  • The EAPS and ESSA welding colleges in Yutz
    Institut de soudure

Tourism in Thionville

With its rich history and industrial heritage, the Thionville area boasts an attractive tourism sector.

Château de Malbrouck


Malbrouck Castle

Malbrouck Castle, built in the 15th century and listed as a Historical Monument in 1930, is owned by the Department of Moselle (a Passionnément Moselle site). It offers a year-round programme of high-profile cultural events (major themed exhibitions, a comic book festival, a Beasts and Witches festival and much more).

This historic gem is also the perfect place for families to discover life in the Middle Ages...

Paysage - Contz les bains

The Moselle wine trail

The Moselle wine trail meanders through the Land of the Three Borders. On this gastronomic journey, three AOC winemakers invite you to sample their fine wines. Visit: 


Domaine du Stromberg


Domaine Mur du Cloître


Domaine Sontag


Route des vins de moselle

Paysage - Parc du haut-fourneau U4


U4 Blast Furnace Park

U4 Blast Furnace Park stands as a monument to the Fensch Valley’s industrial past. Volunteers from the charity Mélicor invite visitors to discover the exciting history of steel making. . Each year, the site offers a rich and varied programme of cultural events (concerts, games, workshops, unique tours and more).

Le Parc du Haut-Fourneau U4

Domaine de la Klauss


Not to forget: Domaine de la Klauss in Montenach

Domaine de la Klauss in Montenach is Moselle’s first 5 star spa-hotel. In this haven of tranquility, featuring an 800m2 spa area, guests can unwind in bedrooms and suites that balance tradition and modernity. Meanwhile fine dining restaurant "Le K" will delight the taste buds!

Le Domaine de la Klauss

And also :

Slider (grand) - Rodemack

Medieval town


Slider (grand) - Château de Preisch

Castle of Preisch


Slider (grand) - Hackenberg

Hackenberg Maginot fort


Château des Ducs de Lorraine

Castle of the Dukes of Lorraine


Slider (grand) - Château de la Grange

Castle of De La Grange


Slider (grand) - Musées des mines de fer Neufchef

Lorraine iron mines ecomuseum


Slider (grand) - Château de Volkrange

Castle of Volkrange

Slider (grand) - Abbatiale Sainte-Croix

Abbey of Sainte-Croix


Slider (grand) - Orgue de l'Eglise St Maximin

The organ of Saint-Maximin


Château de Saint-Sixte

Castle of Saint-Sixte


Musée des mines de fer d'Aumetz

Lorraine iron mines ecomuseum


Musée archéologique d'Audun-le-Tiche

Archaeological museum


Paysage - Festival du film Arabe

A cultural territory: Culture in the broad sense

Thionville has a varied and vibrant cultural life. The Arab Film Festival held in Fameck Val de Fensch in October and the Italian Film Festival held in Villerupt, Meurthe-et-Moselle, the neighbouring town to Audun le Tiche, have become unmissable events. The sector also benefits from renowned performance venues (Nest Théâtre in Thionville, the Amphy in Yutz, La Passerelle in Florange and Le Gueulard + in Nilvange).

The Arab Film Festival
The Italian Film Festival in Villerupt

Paysage - L'Abeille de Lorraine

Local delicacy: The Lorraine Bee

Savoring an exceptional honey means entering the carefully orchestrated universe of Julien, a direct sales producer in YUTZ. Benefiting from the MOSL Quality label, his bee products are the result of the meticulous work of small foragers, exploring linden, fir, willow, and even lavender.

To thank them, Julien works in a responsible and ecological approach. His honeys, harvested at maturity, preserve every nuance of their flavor, free from any stress for the colonies, without repellents or smoke. Extracted cold, filtered with precision, they are put into pots without adding any substances. This rigor results in prestigious awards, placing his honeys among the best in France.

The Lorraine Bee

Experience locations