Around the mardelles
Around the mardelles

Emmanuel Stourm 2021
The mardelles are also called forest pools and are an oasis for local wildlife. It is not uncommon to see a family of badgers or a fox drinking after several hours of multitasking. These are also very rich biotopes with an undeniable ecological role. These sensitive natural environments must be preserved.
Practical information
Fitness / outdoor trails from RURANGE LES THIONVILLE, mode of transport / activity : Walking-related, on the theme(s) : Natural.
The existence of a mardelle can have several origins: mainly geological: the erosion of the rock at depth by water creates a collapse of the ground. The excavation is gradually filled in by the earth which, after many years, ends up making the bottom waterproof. Water stagnates there and vegetation and aquatic life settle there. Sometimes human: from ancient times to the 19th century, man has been able to take advantage of these excavations or dig the earth to extract materials. In other rare cases, shell holes can be the cause of recent mardelles.
Features of the route
5 to 10 km
Distance in kms : 9,9
Difference in altitude : 130
Duration of the course : 02:30
Altimeter profile
Route line
Visit conditions
Follow the signs: Yellow line
The course
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Around the mardelles