Cycle route from Basse-Ham to Knutange

Cycle route from Basse-Ham to Knutange

This itinerary crosses the urban area of Thionville from the Voie Bleue.

Practical information

Fitness / outdoor trails from KNUTANGE, mode of transport / activity : Cyclotouring, on the theme(s) : Family.
After a visit to the town centre, the route leads to the Saint-Michel Hill to discover the old preserved villages of the Moselle hills, now attached to Thionville. Numerous links lead off from this spine to discover more unusual places.

Features of the route

25 à 50 km
Round trip
Distance in kms : 35
Duration of the course : 02:30

Altimeter profile

Route line

The course

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Cycle route from Basse-Ham to Knutange