The Albestroff hillsides

The Albestroff hillsides
The Albestroff hillsides
The Albestroff hillsides
The Albestroff hillsides
The Albestroff hillsides

During your walk, discover the last vestiges of its castle. From the hillsides, enjoy a magnificent landscape of vast forests, ponds and meadows.

Practical information

Fitness / outdoor trails from ALBESTROFF, mode of transport / activity : Walking-related, on the theme(s) : Natural, Family.
Since the early Middle Ages, the village of Albestroff and its castle were, together with those of Vic-sur-Seille and Marsal, one of the main fortresses of the bishopric of Metz. The dukes of Lorraine, the bishops, the Imperials and France fought over Albestroff for centuries. In 1637, after having been completely ravaged, it came under French rule.

Features of the route

5 to 10 km
Distance in kms : 6,6
Duration of the course : 02:00

Altimeter profile

Route line

Visit conditions


Follow the signs: Yellow line

The course

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The Albestroff hillsides