The warndt buttonhole

The warndt buttonhole
The warndt buttonhole
The warndt buttonhole
The warndt buttonhole
The warndt buttonhole
The warndt buttonhole
The warndt buttonhole
The warndt buttonhole
The warndt buttonhole
The warndt buttonhole
The warndt buttonhole

A characteristic landform of the region, the buttonhole is a sandy depression lined with marshes and vast forests, dominated by a coastline covered with woods, orchards and small crops.

Practical information

Fitness / outdoor trails from BISTEN EN LORRAINE, mode of transport / activity : Walking-related, on the theme(s) : Natural.
Don't miss the Russian cave, a secret and surprising place in the middle of the forest.

Features of the route

5 to 10 km
Distance in kms : 9,2
Duration of the course : 03:00

Altimeter profile

Route line

Visit conditions


Signposted route

How to get there ?

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The warndt buttonhole