Boucle des coucous

Boucle des coucous
Boucle des coucous
Boucle des coucous
Boucle des coucous
Boucle des coucous
Boucle des coucous

Nestled in a green valley, Dalem is a charming village surrounded by forests that invite you to take a stroll and whose inhabitants have the lovely nickname of "Coucous".

Practical information

Fitness / outdoor trails from DALEM, mode of transport / activity : Walking-related, on the theme(s) : Natural.
There are many surprises along the way: beautiful beech forests, a mermaid on a rock, a pond, a waterfall, a spring and a well-hidden bat reserve.

Features of the route

Less than 5 km
Distance in kms : 4,9
Duration of the course : 01:30

Altimeter profile

Route line

Visit conditions


Follow the signs: Yellow line
Groups accepted on reservation

The course

Contact us

Boucle des coucous