Spitsbergen tour

Spitsbergen tour
Spitsbergen tour
Spitsbergen tour

After a short climb, you can enjoy a memorable view from the Backofenfelsen rock.

Practical information

Fitness / outdoor trails from DABO, mode of transport / activity : Walking-related, Snowshoes, Trail, on the theme(s) : Natural, In the mountains.
From forest paths to footpaths, you climb to the highest points of the Dabo forest. Don't miss the Steinerne Maennel "little stone man".

Features of the route

10 to 15 km
Distance in kms : 12,4
Difference in altitude : 405
Duration of the course : 03:00

Altimeter profile

Route line

Visit conditions


Follow the signs: Anneau rouge

The course

Contact us

Spitsbergen tour