Pavilion circuit

Pavilion circuit
Pavilion circuit
Pavilion circuit

If you are still not sure whether you can tell field maple from sycamore, if you cannot wait to meet the orange-bellied alpine newt or if you just want to know how the Office National des Forêts manages its forests, the Buchwald path is waiting.

Practical information

Fitness / outdoor trails from MOMERSTROFF, mode of transport / activity : Walking-related, on the theme(s) : Natural, Family.
If you still have doubts about the difference between the common maple and the sycamore, if you want to meet the orange-bellied newt or if you simply want to know how the Office National des Forêts manages its forests, the Buchwald trail is for you. You will even learn that the ash tree is a member of the olive tree family. Surprising, isn't it?

Features of the route

Less than 5 km
Distance in kms : 2
Duration of the course : 01:00

Altimeter profile

Route line

Flyer / map

Visit conditions


Signposted route

The course

Contact us

Pavilion circuit