The Promenade de la buse is a 3h00 / 9.8km walk. Starting from the Square du Tagnon, the walk takes you up to Mont Saint-Germain, where you'll see the listed necropolis. This walk is part of the "carnet de balades" on sale at the Mairie.
Practical information
Fitness / outdoor trails from CHATEL SAINT GERMAIN, mode of transport / activity : Walking-related, on the theme(s) : Historic, Natural.
Features of the route
5 to 10 km
Duration of the course : 03:00
Visit conditions
Follow the signs: Buse
Contact us
Promendade de la Buse
- 03 87 60 59 71
- Square du Tagnon57160 CHATEL SAINT GERMAIN
How to get there ?