This trail aims to strengthen the existing ties between Dudelange and Volmerange-les-Mines and their inhabitants, and to showcase their shared history and heritage, primarily the mine.
Practical information
Fitness / outdoor trails from VOLMERANGE LES MINES, mode of transport / activity : Walking-related, Mountain biking, on the theme(s) : Cultural, Historic, Natural.
Starting point : at the fire station.
This trail aims to strengthen the existing ties between Dudelange and Volmerange-les-Mines and their inhabitants, and to showcase their shared history and heritage, primarily the mine. The hiking and mountain biking circular trail is named “La Minette circular trail” after the region’s iron ore mining activities.
Features of the route
5 to 10 km
Distance in kms : 10
Difference in altitude : 0
Duration of the course : 03:20
Altimeter profile
Route line
Visit conditions
Follow the signs: Anneau rouge Practical advice: Chaussures de marche conseillées.
Groups accepted on reservation Coach parking available
Contact us
La Minette circular trail
- cvthionville@gmail.com
- 03 82 56 48 44
- Départ de la caserne des pompiers39 rue de la Mine57330 VOLMERANGE LES MINES
How to get there ?