Religious architecture

La chapelle Sainte-Vérène

La chapelle Sainte-Vérène

The Chapel of St Verena protector of domestic animals) is an important spiritual place in Pays de Bitche. It was built between the 1400's and 1500's and was extended several times.

A pilgrim destination, the chapel's interior is adorned with several saints. One of which is St Verena, represented with a comb in her hand.

Practical information

Historic monument or place to visit in ENCHENBERG, on the theme(s) Sacred art, awarded with the Label Listed historic monument (MH).
Protected Historical Monument

Languages spoken


Visit conditions


Visit on your own at all times Visit on your own with advanced booking Guided tours with advanced booking Signposted footpaths
Groups accepted on reservation Coach parking available

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La chapelle Sainte-Vérène