Wood - Furnishings

La bûche scandinave

La bûche scandinave
La bûche scandinave
La bûche scandinave
La bûche scandinave
Qualité MOSL
La bûche scandinave

Thibaud Rolin decided to market his Scandinavian logs by developing e-commerce with his communication company. Also called Swedish torches, these logs come straight from a forest near Sierck-les-Bains and provide a source of heat and lasting light.

Practical information

Artisan in CHAILLY LES ENNERY, on the theme(s) Industrial & technological heritage : Wood - Furnishings.
The company has been developing its products on a daily basis since 2019. It has developed its own production tools in order to improve its efficiency.
Qualité MOSL

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La bûche scandinave