Facebook Ferme de la petite vallée
La Ferme de la petite vallée is an association whose aim is to help the public rediscover farm animals and to make children aware of their growth and usefulness.
Practical information
Découverte de l'environnement in LONGEVILLE LES SAINT AVOLD.
It aims to contribute to the well-being and care of the elderly and/or children with disabilities, using animals as mediators. In a bucolic setting, the farm welcomes young and old alike for a moment of relaxation and discovery in contact with the animals. Visits are by prior arrangement only, for schools and individuals (meals available by prior arrangement), or during open days.
With instructor Groups welcome
Visit conditions
Reception of the public
School groups Family School groups
Groups accepted on reservation Coach parking available
Contact us
Ferme de la petite vallée
- lafermedelapetitevallee@gmail.com
- 06 88 76 79 74
- 44A rue de Kleindal57740 LONGEVILLE LES SAINT AVOLD
How to get there ?