This restaurant close to Hanau Lake proposes local dishes. A set buffet menu is served at lunchtime using seasonal produce. The buffet can also be a starter followed by a set meal usually a local speciality.
Practical information
Restaurant in EGUELSHARDT with a capacity of 90 Seats, including 40 people on the terrace. Cuisine Lorraine, Regional French, Traditional, Vegetarian, Alsatian, Cuisine américaine/Burger.
Type of restaurant
Bistro / Wine bar Grillroom / Café Ice cream parlour / Tearoom Pizzeria Traditional restaurant Fast food / Burger bar
Lorraine Regional French Traditional Vegetarian Alsatian Cuisine américaine/Burger
Classification in a guide
Gault et Millau
Languages spoken
English, German, Italian
90 seats in the dining room |
40 seats on the terrace |
Facilities and services
Bar Patio Takeaways Wifi Home delivery
Last service (dinner) : 22H00 Closed on : mercredi Groups accepted on reservation Coach parking available
Price starting at 11 €
Contact us
Restaurant la Petite Suisse
- 03 87 06 15 33
- Bannstein98 rue nationale57230 EGUELSHARDT
How to get there ?