Service area - parking area

Motorhome parking lot

Motorhome parking lot
Motorhome parking lot
Motorhome parking lot
Motorhome parking lot
Motorhome parking lot
Motorhome parking lot

Motorhome parking lot in Walscheid next to a small pond.

Practical information

CampsiteService area, Parking area in WALSCHEID, located by the water.
Get water for your vehicle in two minutes. Drain of wastewater lasts for 20 seconds. You have access to a bin storage area. 5 parking spaces. You can buy the tokens at Littner Bakery (Boulangerie Littner), 19 Grand'rue Walscheid. Closed in Winter (December to March).

Languages spoken

English, German


Nb of parking places : 5 PLACES

Comfort and services


Provision of potable water Filled with clean water Grey water disposal (soapy water) Black water disposal (WC water and chemicals) Public lighting Stable road surface

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Motorhome parking lot