Direct purchase from the producer

Goat farm in Niderviller

Goat farm in Niderviller
Goat farm in Niderviller
Qualité MOSL
Goat farm in Niderviller

The goat farm offers you its organic goat's milk products: fromage blanc, faisselle, plain or flavoured logs, goat's cheese, etc. Organic farming guarantees quality products.

Practical information

Direct purchase from the producer in NIDERVILLER : Dairy produce, Organic produce, awarded with the Label Organic farming, Qualité MOSL.
A small sales trailer awaits you with the farm's products and the possibility of having a snack (ice creams, drinks, etc.). Tables and benches are available.
Qualité MOSL Agriculture Biologique

Visit conditions

Groups accepted on reservation Coach parking available

How to get there ?

Contact us

Goat farm in Niderviller