GR5G from Metz to Saarbrücken

GR5G from Metz to Saarbrücken
GR5G from Metz to Saarbrücken
GR5G from Metz to Saarbrücken
GR5G from Metz to Saarbrücken

The GR5G, a hiking route from Speyer (Germany) to Metz, passes through the former coal mining basin and crosses the Lorraine plateau before reaching the Moselle capital after an epic 90 km journey.

Practical information

Fitness / outdoor trails from SPICHEREN, mode of transport / activity : Walking-related, on the theme(s) : Cultural, Historic, Natural, Religious.

Features of the route

Plus de 50 km
Distance in kms : 94,7
Duration of the course : 30:00

Altimeter profile

Route line

Visit conditions


Follow the signs: Red and white lines
Groups accepted on reservation

The course

Contact us

GR5G from Metz to Saarbrücken