Quarry circuit

Quarry circuit
Quarry circuit
Quarry circuit
Quarry circuit

This hike takes place in a unique natural area with surprising landscapes.

Practical information

Fitness / outdoor trails from FREYMING MERLEBACH, mode of transport / activity : Walking-related, on the theme(s) : Natural.
This area, which was renatured following the end of coal mining, is a canyon 3 km long and 850 metres wide, with a humid bottom and cliffs of variegated sandstone topped by a forest classified as Natura 2000. This environment of exceptional quality is home to rare wild species, which can be observed thanks to the facilities provided: lookout point, ponds, etc.

Features of the route

5 to 10 km
Distance in kms : 8,3
Duration of the course : 02:30

Altimeter profile

Route line

Visit conditions


Signposted route

The course

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Quarry circuit