Broderie / Tissage

Bobine filante

Bobine filante
Bobine filante
Bobine filante
Bobine filante
Bobine filante
Bobine filante
Qualité MOSL
Bobine filante

Rebecca Willigsecker inherited her passion for sewing from her grandmother. She embarked on her entrepreneurial project in 2016 by creating Bobine filante and has since been enthusiastic about all the projects her customers can entrust to her.

Practical information

Artisan in COCHEREN, on the theme(s) Industrial & technological heritage : Broderie / Tissage, awarded with the Label Ville et Métiers d'art.
Sewing lessons by prior arrangement.
Qualité MOSL Ville et Métiers d'Art

Visit conditions


On-site demonstration Visit of the workshop Sale of products on site
Groups accepted on reservation

How to get there ?

Contact us

Bobine filante